Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (OTOP - Polish Society for the Protection of Birds) is a registered non-governmental organisation that works for the protection of wild birds and places where they live. They are the largest nature conservation organisation in Poland, open to everyone who shares their concern for the environment. OTOP carries out its tasks in cooperation with professional ornithologists and together with local partners throughout Poland. They are a national partner of BirdLife International, a global partnership of conservation organisations.
OTOP undertakes activities for children and youth to build their positive attitude to nature and an interest in preservation our natural heritage. They cooperate with a country-wide network of teachers of primary and secondary schools to support them with educational materials for their work. Part of their work with young people is a portal for juniors (www.otopjunior.org.pl) that is visited by over 100,000 people in a year. OTOP coordinates also the Spring Alive campaign, a web-based international educational project related to migratory birds and designed mainly for children between the age 8-12, their teachers and families.
The resources and examples of good practices of how to learn in connection with nature, developed through LLN, will be used in OTOP’s work with teachers and students at varied level of school education. OTOP will share the resources developed with their partners, aiming to embrace with learning outside the classroom more children and young people.
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