Learn more about learning through nature

Through this website LLN would like to create an information hub for people to find out more about the importance of connection with nature, learning outside the classroom and the benefits of spending time outdoors. The following links may be of interest, if you would like LLN to share other relevant links here please contact us.


RSPB: Children need nature

RSPB’s Every Child Outdoors research draws together the findings from a wide range of research into the positive impact contact with nature has for children, as well as the environment. These include the educational benefits, contributions to physical health and mental wellbeing, as well as development of personal and social skills. It also explores some of the consequences of the reduction of such experiences and, sadly, the increasingly-used term of Nature Deficit Disorder to describe the phenomenon.

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RSPB: Connection measure

With the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the University of Essex RSPB have established a clear definition of connection to nature, and a method for measuring it. For the first time, this research reveals how connected to nature children are across the UK. The national results show that currently only 21 per cent of 8–12 year olds have a connection to nature at a level that we consider to be a realistic and achievable target.

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Restoring Peace

Article on the health and social benefits of nature.

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Climate Change and Environmental Education

UNICEF publication on environmental education and climate change.

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Linked Maltese organisations


Centre for environmental education and research – Malta.

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Wasteserv - Environment Education

List of environmental education services provided by wasteserv Malta.

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Nature Trust Malta

Environmental Education page of Nature Trust Malta.

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Dwejra Environmental Education centre

Dwejra is one of the five mpa’s designated in the coastal waters of the maltese islands. Additionally, it is one of the most iconic sites along the coastline of the archipelago.

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Heritage Malta worksheets

Heritage Malta worksheets (for use at Museums, temples etc)

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Malta UNESCO Youth Association

MUYA is a youth association represented in Malta in cooperation with National Co-ordination Body (National Commission of UNESCO in Malta).

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The Scout association of Malta.

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EkoSkola Malta

EkoSkola seeks to develop environmental responsibility by adopting a whole school approach in the design, implementation and monitoring of a School Environmental Policy that is intimately integrated into the School’s Development Plan.

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Linked international organisations

Project Wild Things

Project Wild Thing – An organisation aiming to reconnect kids & families with nature. Based around a film about nature deficit disorder.

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John Muir Award

The John Muir Award is an environmental award scheme focused on wild places. It encourages awareness and responsibility for the natural environment, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration.

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EPA: Environmental Education

US EPA guide to environmental education.

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Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world and is operated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).

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Creative Little Scientists

EU project aiming to link maths/science w creativity. Participating countries = Malta, Romania, Portugal & Belgium.

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Empty Classroom Day

Annual day where schools worldwide commit to at least one outdoor lesson.

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International Earth Day

Earth Day Network's year-round mission is to broaden, diversify and activate the environmental movement worldwide, through a combination of education, public policy, and consumer campaigns.

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Wildlife Watch

A few outdoor/wildlife activities for children – e.g. food growing, bat box making etc.

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Environmental education activities for primary schools

Free online UNESCO ideas book for Env education activities in primary schools.

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Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development

UNESCO Educational materials on Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development.

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Ideas for Using the School Grounds

Fact sheet on using school grounds for environmental education activities.

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Field Studies Council

Field Studies Council resource database. Categorised by level.

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Dinja Waħda

Dinja Waħda (One World) resources from BirdLife Malta

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