
Through this project educational resources will be created which will focus on learning through nature for each age group. As the resources are developed they will be added to this website for teachers, youth leaders, parents etc. to download and use.

Early Years

Activity ideas for getting Kindergarten classes outdoors in the school grounds and the countryside.

No downloads available at the moment


Resources to link the school curriculum to learning outside the classroom through field teaching and homework.

No downloads available at the moment


Resources to link the school curriculum to learning outside the classroom through field teaching and school grounds.

Integrated science field teaching - Foresta 2000 (Form 1) Integrated science field teaching - Għadira (form 1) Integrated science field teaching - Is-Simar (form 1) Integrated science field teaching - Vuskett (form 2)


Award scheme for young people to engage in learning out and looking after the world around them.

No downloads available at the moment

Youth groups

Activity ideas for youth leaders to get their groups outdoors and learning about the environment.

No downloads available at the moment